
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sister Love

An all new site has been developed and we are waiting for it's launch. Because my licensed work and textiles/sewing patterns are for a unique audience to that of my apparel and accessory buyers I decided a dedicated site to the couture collections was needed! Thus Tina Givens Couture has come about. I was going to call it Melopomene after Grandmama YaYa but believe it or not there are many Melpomenes out there! So I keep my personal Melpomene as my muse, my angel in the sky and all that is love.

We have been hard at work in the studio knee deep in fabric and ribbons and more; new gems and quartz and delicious vintage pieces come in each day. We unwrap and all peek inside at the day's presents. Aimee is a busy little bee and the phones have been very busy this past month. So lots of giggles and lots to share. In the meantime enjoy the new site. For now we have some summer 12 freshness up in apparel, some of the jewelry pieces and bags are coming online this week. Another photoshoot is happening as I write this.

Anyway, enjoy, visit and tell me what you think. I send love and kisses your way, this very special day which is also my beautiful sister's birthday. That's her on the left!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

couleur verte {green}

via the terrier and lobster - musings
Green does come in all shades. It's a favorite color of mine and loved these images from a clever blog I love, the terrier and lobster... enjoy